
From 2b2t Wiki
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My purpose is to create the ultimate unabridged and autistic timeline of 2b2t.

Sources used include:

  • The wiki itself.
  • 2b2t history videos created by FitMC and SalC1.
  • Archived data, such as old Facepunch threads.
  • /r/2b2t.
  • Anything else I can get my hands on.

This is a forever ongoing project and can be contributed to by anybody who is autistic about 2b2t history. Please note that I can not guarantee that everything on this page is 100% accurate or 100% unbiased.

Age of Unrest


December 17/20: 2b2t officially goes live on Minecraft, version Alpha 1.2.6. Precisely which date the server opened is uncertain, though December 20 appears to be the most likely date. Hausemaster and georgebush420 are the server's operators.


Unknown: The Valley of Furnaces is built.

Between January and April: The 4channers group is formed. Early in 2b2t's history, the server was prominently advertised on 4chan, especially its /v/ and /b/ boards. During this time, approximately 70% of the 2b2t userbase originated from 4chan, while the remaining 30% consisted of an unknown distribution of Facepunch, SomethingAwful, DeviantArt, and Reddit users.

Early 2011: Hausemaster is active on the server. He teleports to random players and gives them free shit.

April: Construction on Old Town begins.

April 26 (approx.): Chezhead joins 2b2t and discovers the ruins of a griefed castle. He creates a small base with Mattyyy and Coolity.

April 27: At 4:57pm UTC, Chezhead advertises 2b2t on Facepunch's forums, and he becomes the leader of the brand new Facepunch Republic. Facepunchers apply for membership in this thread, including one user known as Luke2thebun. Chezhead moves out of his first base, citing proximity to spawn, and establishes Camp Facepunch, probably on the same castle ruins he had discovered.

April 28: At 12:45am UTC (approx.), a user known as mweorz attacks Camp Facepunch with the help of his hacked client. Half of the Republic (approximately ten people) are killed, as well as Chezhead's dog. The event becomes known as Greyskull's Last Stand and marks the beginning of the Facepunch War. It is later discovered that mweorz is the alt account of Luke2thebun.

Facepunchers evacuate the castle and rebuild elsewhere. Hausemaster posts the first known server stats at 6:56am UTC. There have been 8164 unique players, the map size is 9.3GB, and approximately 295 ruins have been found within thirty thousand blocks of spawn. One player has reportedly walked 150000 blocks out. Speedhackers are creating so many new chunks that the 40GB SSD that houses the server is maxing out quickly. To pay for server costs and upgrades, Facepunchers pledge to donate to Hausemaster.

The new Facepunch castle is griefed at approximately 7:45am UTC.

April 29: Chezhead leaves a memorial at the remains of Camp Facepunch: "Here lies the ruins of a proud nation, made by blood, sweat, and tears. R.I.P. Camp Facepunch. Love, Chezhead."

May: After a server reset, player data is unintentionally corrupted. A number of players lose their inventories.

July: Zion is built.

July 7: Within creates the second Facepunch 2b2t thread, titled "2b2t V2: there is no FP republic". The Facepunch Republic begins to decline. By now, 37856 players have joined and the map size is 29.7GB.

July 29: THEJudgeHolden uploads the first two chapters of his 2b2t comic series.

August 14: THEJudgeHolden uploads the third chapter of his 2b2t comic series.

September 6: THEJudgeHolden uploads the fourth chapter of his 2b2t comic series.

October 9: THEJudgeHolden uploads the fifth chapter of his 2b2t comic series.

November: Old Town is griefed by popbob.

December: The First Backdoor of 2b2t occurs. popbob created a plugin for Hausemaster, and using this backdoor, gave himself permission to use the TooManyItems mod. He also gives a number of Facepunchers permissions too, including xcc2 and policemike55, meaning that they were virtually working in Creative Mode with an endless supply of blocks.

December 16: THEJudgeHolden uploads the sixth chapter of his 2b2t comic series.

December 25: THEJudgeHolden uploads the seventh chapter of his 2b2t comic series.

December 29: THEJudgeHolden uploads the eighth chapter of his 2b2t comic series.

Late December: Plugin Town begins to be built in the wake of the destruction of Passietown. The town is built using backdoor access.


January: Ziggy Town is constructed. popbob's backdoor allows builders to construct bedrock structures, such as the Bedrock Dam and the Bedrock Comet. popbob then uses the backdoor to teleport to many bases and grief them, as well as creating hacked items. Hausemaster disables/patches the plugin, ending the First Backdoor.

January 3: THEJudgeHolden uploads the ninth chapter of his 2b2t comic series.

January 13: THEJudgeHolden uploads the tenth chapter of his 2b2t comic series.

February: A revived Facepunch Republic is established by Phagocytic.

February 6: THEJudgeHolden uploads the eleventh chapter of his 2b2t comic series.

February 27: xcc2 captures footage of a bizarre lightning storm at Spawn. It turns out that Hausemaster was experimenting with weather. This is the first known instance of unusual lightning storms on 2b2t.

The Great Decay Period


March: Construction of 2k2k begins.

March 25: The subreddit /r/2b2t is created.

April 4: Zion is raided and destroyed. It turns out that Phagocytic had given the coordinates to Zion to xarviar. Initially unaware that Phagocytic was now the leader of the Facepunch Republic and was promoting 2b2t on Facepunch, the discovery of the fact convinces him to leak the coordinates. He ends up on Phagocytic's exclusive TOTAL FUCKING FAGGOT LIST. Phagocytic moves the Facepunchers to 2k2k, which is later renamed Zion (though many still call it 2k2k).

June: The Facepunch Republic collapses roughly around this time, shortly after the completion of 2k2k.

July: 2k2k is obliterated and lavacasted.

July 20: Hausemaster creates the second known spawn lightning storm. The strikes are no longer focused precisely on 0,0 but strike all around the immediate surroundings. ComputerTechie captures footage of this storm. It is unknown if Hausemaster ever tested other lightning storms.

October: The Crystal Islands are founded by Offtopia and two unknown Australians. Offtopia invites CytotoxicTcell to help with construction.

Age of Resurgence


February 22: Construction of Anatolia begins.

April 29: Valkyria is founded, and construction of the base of Valkyria begins. This marks the beginning of the Age of Resurgence.

June: The First Spawn Incursion takes place. Hindejd, one of Valkyria’s first founders, suggests invading spawn, which Valkyria agrees to due to the fact that they are on version 1.4.7 and that everybody is equipped with duped armor, tools and weapons. The Valkyrians trek to spawn and kill all the Withers, then make their way to 2k2k and settle. However, after just a few days, the Valkyrians begin to separate and some pursue their own goals at the spawn. Griefers eventually locate 2k2k and a mass fight breaks out. Some Valkyrians die due to lack of PVP experience. After one week, the Incursion ends.

June (approx.): Coldwave accidentally leaks the Belegost base thanks to his client, forcing Valkyrians to flee. Some flee to the Rhadamantis base.

June 20: IGN mentions 2b2t. Fuck.

August: The Second Spawn Incursion takes place. Fubster builds a dirt hut that quickly transforms into a complete base of operations. The goal of the Incursion was to genocide newcomers who saw 2b2t on IGN. Thousands are killed, Valkyria reunites.

October-November: The Second Spawn Incursion ends.

December: The Second Backdoor takes place. iTristan and Pyrobyte develop a plugin that blocks access to the roof of the Nether, but they use the plugin as their backoor.


Unknown: The +Z Axis Highway reaches one million blocks.

December 15: James Rustles posts the first entry on the 2b2t blog.


January 26: Yggdrasil is founded by DocSmurf.

April 28: The Third Incursion begins. Following the sudden leak of Asgard II's location and its subsequent griefing, pissed Valkyrians are rallied by Sato86. A volunteer base is established near spawn, but is quickly destroyed during the next week. In response, Valkyrians begin to build seven new spawn bases, each one representing a deadly sin.

May 16: Valkyrians begin construction of the Wrath Outpost.

May 31: Aureus City is established by CainesLaw and Tachrev.

June 7: The last Facepunch thread dedicated to 2b2t is closed.

Pre-Hype Period


August: Project Vault is established, marking the beginning of the Pre-Hype Period.

Late 2015: Using the Second Backdoor, iTristan and Pyrobyte develop the first Super Weapons. These weapons were enchanted to level 32768, or 2^15, and could one-shot any unprepared players if the Sharpness enchantment was used.

End of 2015: The Third Backdoor takes place. Someone hacks into the georgebush420 account after login credentials were found on a leaked Chinese database.


Early 2016: The Tyranny of Faggots is formed.

Age of Hype


Unknown: is started by 0xymoron.

Between June and August: The +Z Axis Highway is now approximately three million blocks long. A dedicated group begins to start work on digging this highway.

June: The 4th Reich is formed.

June 1: TheCampingRusher, a YouTuber with roughly 900k subscribers, joins 2b2t and makes a video of his adventures, titled “OLDEST SERVER IN MINECRAFT!!”. The publishing of the video leads many of his fans to flood into the server, causing long queues. This leads to the beginning of the Rusher War, as well as the beginning of the Age of Hype.

June 4: TheCampingRusher officially declares war on the “OGs”, the Original Gangstas, of 2b2t. Reddit user gRiNdLoRd joins 2b2t, collects supplies, and begins an expedition to (0,1000000) along the +Z Axis Highway.

June 13: Fit uploads a video of him griefing a large Rusher sanctuary with Babbaj and jared2013, which contained over 40 Rushers. Most of them are killed.

June 16: Team Veteran is officially created, with Fit inaugurated as their leader.

June 17: Team Veteran’s oldfags hold a war meeting to discuss how to fight for the Veteran initiative.

June 22: Team Veteran comes across TheCampingRusher’s first attempt at a base and lavacasts it.

July 2: TheCampingRusher visits an old base known as the Crystal Islands, which were known to have been owned by Team Veteran. Following this information, the islands are griefed. Offtopia later claimed that Fit intentionally leaked the base’s coordinates, which Fit originally denied, but then later admitted he did as he had worked with Rusher to bring players to 2b2t. The original identity of the griefer remains unknown.

July 16: The Valley of Wheat is griefed. TheCampingRusher is originally blamed, but it is later found that the grief was done by CorruptedUnicorn and the Resistance, as well as a few Rushers.

July 21: The WordPress is created.

July 24: The Fourth Incursion begins in response to the Rusher Invasion.

September: gRiNdLoRd begins expanding the +Z Axis Highway, coordinates Z: 125000 to Z: 350000, from a 1x2 tunnel to a 2x3 tunnel to facilitate horse travel.

September 1: The Fourth Incursion ends.

September 26: CancerChan and Da99thWolf grief Nightingale.

October 9: Fit officially ends the existence of Team Veteran, due to the end of the Rusher War.

October 17: The 4th Reich griefs a Peacekeeper spawn base.

November 2: The The 2b2t Wikia is founded by DoctorRobotix.

November 9 (approx.): Acheron is founded.

November 11: The 11/11 Dupe, otherwise known as the Jump Dupe, is discovered and leaked by RusherIsAutistic. The dupe worked by simply throwing the chosen item out of your inventory, immediately disconnecting, and then reconnecting, which would leave the item in your inventory and create a thrown dupe on the ground. Mass-duping takes place across the server.

November 17: Dark_Annihilator goes onto the 2b2t Wikia and makes his first edits.

November 19: Kinorana develops a client that simplified the 11/11 Dupe, allowing players to dupe their entire inventory. Later, it was found out that the client was backdoored, leading to many leaked stashes being raided. Other clients, such as Impact and Wurst, still enable duplication with backdooring.

November 23: The Fifth Incursion begins, bringing together Jared2013, The 4th Reich, veterans of the Rusher War, and previous Fourth Incursion fighters. Due to the eventual update to 1.11, which made escaping spawn easier, the goal was to trap players at spawn with obsidian. However, construction of the obsidian wall is hampered by withers, and Jared2013 ragequitting for a while because his stash got yoinked.

November 25: French YouTuber AgentGB uploads a 2b2t video.

November 28: 2b2t is updated to version 1.11, killing the 11/11 Dupe.

December: The domain is shut down. A petition created by the press claims that Verizon shut them down for endorsing President-Elect Donald Trump.

December 4: The 2b2tdotonline bot goes live, created by 086.

December 9: Byrnsy leaves Spawn to begin an expedition to the +X World Border.

December 11: The Fifth Incursion is ended by Jared2013.

December 12: AntVenom joins 2b2t.

December 14: Byrnsy details his +X World Border expedition on /r/2b2t. At the time, he was 10% of the way in the Nether (Ov. X: 3000000). The 2x3 horse highway ended at X: 108250 at this time.

December 20: Byrnsy is now 20% into his journey to the +X World Border (Ov. X: 6000000). The overworld at the area is a gigantic lavacast.

December 21: Due to the original 2b2t Wikia being repeatedly vandalized, the 2b2t Anarchy Server Wikia is created by Niftyrobo.

December 25: 0xymoron livestreams his grief of Jewtopia on YouTube.


January 1: Byrnsy is now 30% into his journey to the +X World Border (Ov. X: 9000000). He constructs a small circular checkpoint with a glass floor and sand walls. A signboard is left in the Overworld.

January 28 or 29: Byrnsy is now 40% into his journey to the +X World Border (Ov. X: 12000000). A small stop had been dug out by Babbaj on January 9. Byrnsy constructs a small checkpoint but leaves Byrnsy's original sign untouched.

February 11: Byrnsy is now 50% into his journey to the +X World Border (Ov. X: 15000000). He is greeted by an enormous checkpoint complete with wooden flooring and large portals. The 15 Million Base begins construction.

February 27: Byrnsy is now 60% into his journey to the +X World Border (Ov. X: 18000000). Since he had just built a 22222222 base, he chooses to leave this one undecorated. By now, plenty of diggers are helping dig the rest of the way for Byrnsy to walk.

March: Players fr1kin, babbaj and 0x22 discover an exploit that allowed a player to exist in multiple positions. The feat was performed by entering the /kill command whilst riding an entity in the Nether, resulting in a player being respawned at both his spawn point and where they entered the Nether. Because of the player existing in multiple dimensions, double the chunks were loaded and the server would repeatedly divide the coordinates of the player's position by eight (Nether to Overworld coordinates) until the server crashed due to floating-point overflow. This became known as the Apocalypse Exploit.

March 9: Byrnsy is now 70% into his journey to the +X World Border (Ov. X: 21000000). The checkpoint consists of nether brick flooring, an iron and coal block "21000000", and a mushroom block signboard.

March 13: Byrnsy is now 80% into his journey to the +X World Border (Ov. X: 24000000). He arrives at the 24M base with six other players waiting for him. The base is improved while Byrnsy is away on an actual trip in real life.

March 16: Remnants of the 4th Reich journey to Wintermelon. After a sixteen-player battle with Toshie's Melon Group, the Reich has its last stand and takes Wintermelon down in a grief. At this point, the Reich disbands and most remaining members either fuck off or spend the rest of the month with the SpawnMasons.

March 26: The +X Axis Highway in the Nether is completed by the Nether Highway Group.

March 27: At 2:42pm local time, Byrnsy is now 90% into his journey to the +X World Border (Ov. X: 27000000). By now, many checkpoints have been constructed over the remainder of the path, particularly every 25000 blocks. He continues the journey. At 11:44pm local time, Byrnsy finally reaches the +X World Border (Ov. X: 30000000), the site of Point Nemo. Dozens of signs have been placed to greet Byrnsy. Point Nemo is expanded for a whole week, and Point Dory is constructed later.

April 1: The Highland group is formed.

April 9: The Apocalypse Exploit is patched by PaperMC.

May: Kinorana manages to obtain 32K Weapons and teams with Nukkuh, Jacktherippa and AlphaComputer to slaughter people at spawn. One weapon is gifted to Fit, who joins in to help Alpha with the killings.

May 31: mrking039 griefs what is left of Team Veteran’s Crystal Islands, leaving it unrecognizable.

June 9: The +Z Axis Highway (Nether) finally reaches the world border.

August 4: Ashamed of the 2b2t Anarchy Server Wikia, Niftyrobo gives jared2013 bureaucrat rights on it after seeing his Reddit post asking to help. jared2013 begins a tyrannical reign, banning the creation of "stupid" pages. A vote is created to remove Niftyrobo and jared2013 from power, but jared2013 deletes it.

August 6: In a fit of autistic rage, jared2013 recruits a bunch of SpawnMasons to trash the 2b2t Anarchy Server Wikia. FANDOM staff members are alerted.

August 7: gRiNdLoRd flies under the Nether floor all the way to Z: -3750000, then builds a portal and reaches the -Z World Border. The FANDOM staff revert the trashing of the 2b2t Anarchy Server Wikia. jared2013, Niftyrobo, and the griefing SpawnMasons are blocked from the Wikia and Dark_Annihilator is once again in control.

August 9: After gRiNdLoRd’s feat from two days earlier, a plugin is installed to prevent players from flying under the Nether floor.

October: The 2b2t Press returns briefly.

October 8: The Nether Highway Group digs all the way to the +X,+Z world corner.

October 20: The first phase of Infrared, known as Inferno, is founded by RetronautX.

November 6: Metrez makes a post on /r/2b2t to gather people willing to dig the -X Axis Highway in the Nether. This leads to the creation of the -X Diggers.

November 10: The -X Diggers begin to dig the -X Axis Highway in the Nether at X: -850000.

November 22: The -X Diggers team arrives at the -X World Border.

December 20: The Astral Order is founded by jay_monroe and LordGalvatronMC.

December 22: The -X Axis Highway (Nether) is completed. A Christmas tree is constructed at the border. During construction of his third great lag machine, Armorsmith forms the group Armorsmith's Followers.


Early 2018: 0xymoron passes on ownership of to Drachenstein, who also recruits HermeticLock as project manager.

January: The first phase of Infrared ends, and the group reforms for a second phase.

January 5: Ideas to bring multiple groups together to work on large projects are floated by some people. These ideas would later come together to form the United Group Embassy.

January 10 (approx.): The United Group Embassy is formed.

Late February: The Alpha Alliance is formed in retaliation to the formation of the United Group Embassy. The alliances consists of the groups Infrared, Highland, and the Peacekeepers.

April 3: The Sixth Incursion is started by Sato86 after learning that AntVenom would be releasing a video about the server on that day. Incursion members readied themselves to battle the "ant" invasion, and plans to complete the obsidian wall around spawn are set into motion.

April 8: ArchQuantum extends the overworld -Z Axis Highway to Z: -719000.

April 9: The alpha is launched by HermeticLock.

April 24: The obsidian wall around spawn is completed by the Sixth Incursion. It does little to stop escapees. The Anti-Incursion joins the battle in order to grief the wall.

May 3: The Sixth Incursion is officially ended.

May 14: The closed beta is launched.

June: AlphaComputer accidentally discovers a workaround to handling 32K Weapons by holding them inside shulker boxes. He then begins to sell them for actual cash and ends up making a fortune. Soon, the weapons are duped and eventually made pointless.

June 28: is officially launched.

July 25: FANDOM reviews the 2b2t Anarchy Server Wikia and decides that it had violated their terms of service. This results in the Wikia's deletion. Another Wikia is created, but promptly deleted. The contents of the Wikia are moves to another wiki-hosting service called Miraheze on the same day.

August 25 (approx.): Infrared is weakened following jared2013's disagreements with how RetronautX ran the group. This leads to an exodus of members.

August 26 (approx.): Infrared's second phase is disbanded.

September 9: The subreddit /r/2b2t_uncensored is created.

September 21: The Seventh Incursion is started by _Henry_ with the goal of warding off French YouTuber FuzeIII and his French followers.

September 23: _Henry_ announces an election into who will lead the Seventh Incursion, which jared2013 wins.

October 1: The Anti-Incursion movement is founded in the wake of jared2013 constantly banning people from the Seventh Incursion.

October 13: Following incredibly retarded actions by jared2013 (leading to his inevitable ousting), _Henry_ decides to end the Seventh Incursion, which Coltsnid announces. jared2013 then attempts to revive the incursion, labelled Incursion Reloaded. More shitty drama happens and the incursion ends up being a failure.

October 27: IP editing is disabled on the 2b2t Miraheze wiki.

October 31: The Incursion Reloaded finally ends.


January 26: The shortlived third phase of Infrared is disbanded.

February 13: JabiDaJew builds a separate extension of the overworld -Z Axis Highway between Z: -746000 and Z: -750000.

Automation Period


March: YouTube's algorithms promote 2b2t, leading to another mass influx of players. This begins the Automotion Period.

May 24: Etika announces on Twitter that he is preparing for an invasion of 2b2t, with the help of Fit.

May 25: Etika joins 2b2t for the first time and streams his attempts to escape Spawn. During one occasion filmed by Barrendome, iMems attempts to give shulker boxes to Etika which contained leather armor, but Etika thought it was an attempt to book-ban him. After a random disconnect, his location is identified by members of Emperium and Point Zenith, but once he logged back in, he killed himself to prevent sniping. Members of The Backstreet Boys snowball-kicked him, and eventually Etika ends the stream after being disconnected by the anti-AFK plugin.

May 26: Eta members attempt to bed trap Etika, but are thwarted by The Backstreet Boys who lag-kick them.

May 27: Etika builds the number 9, signifying the foundation of the 9 Gang. iTristan turns invisible and kills Etika after he escaped from Spawn, once again ending his stream. He later joins for another half hour off-camera, posting in chat for the first time, but the reason is largely unknown. The Purge also begins on this day with the opening of a Discord, aiming to exterminate Etika's fans at Spawn. This purge is led by policemike55, ufocrossing, HermeticLock, and TheDark_Emperor.

May 29: Etika is frequently disconnected due to the lag machines and long queue waits. He tweets that he is postponing a 2b2t stream, needing more time to establish his base.

May 30: Etika and the 9 Gang originally plan to spam the server with lag machines, but this never happens. He does give 2b2t an ultimatum: Give him 2b2t, and for two weeks he will let it be, or else he and the 9 Gang would lag the server all summer long. The Second Anti-Incursion officially begins as Killet leads members to help Etika and the 9 Gang escape Spawn.

May 31: The lag machines created on the server slow it down to 4.9 TPS, crashing it repeatedly.

June 5: Etika meets with Fit and gives him a book. Purge members also convince AtlanticCraft, a YouTuber will five million subscribers, to take down a video while also infiltrating an Anti-Incursion splinter group of the SIG. policemike55, who begin the Purge, is also exposed as a fake policemike55 by iTristan, and the fake leaves his role as Purge general.

June 10: Members of the Anti-Incursion attempt to rebuild Wrath Outpost, but they are thwarted by members of The Purge.

June 16: The Purge concludes.

June 20: At exactly midnight, Etika's channel uploads a scheduled video titled "I'm sorry", leaving behind a suicide note and revealing his mental health issues and apologizing for pushing people away. He was reported missing the same day.

June 21: YouTuber Boffy uploads a 2b2t video. Despite being relatively new to the platform, his video gains millions of views.

June 24: Etika's body is found in the East River in New York City. His identity is confirmed the next day. 2b2t players attempt to make memorials for Etika, including a valley of statues and a map project.

July: There's an Eighth Incursion and it's fail and AIDS.

July 1: The valley of statues made in honor of Etika is griefed.

September: The Miraheze wiki is vandalized by Everflame members who wanted their own group page. The group's owner eventually fucks off after his school IP is blacklisted.

September 9: Melofors posts a draft for a Wikipedia article about 2b2t.

November: Chezhead, out of nowhere, returns to 2b2t. Immediately, the New Facepunch Republic is formed, officially hailing the return of a true Facepunch republic after more than seven years. 2k2k is freed from its gigantic lavacast, although a week later, Armorsmith attempted to destroy it with Withers.

November 23: The 2b2t Wikipedia article is made official.

December: Mightymike8 builds an expansion of the +X Axis Highway, from X: 115000 to X: 133443.


January: Further repairs to 2k2k are done by the New Facepunch Republic.

January 8: YouTuber Ph1LzA uploads a video of himself attempting to escape 2b2t's spawn.

January 13: zBeyondix continues expansion of the +X Axis Highway.

February 15: YouTuber TapL uploads a video of himself "surviving" 24 hours on 2b2t.

February 25: YouTuber Doni Bobes uploads of video of himself attempting to escape 2b2t's spawn (without a client).

March 31: Wukan helps widen the +X Axis Highway.

April 9: jared2013 enters the wiki Discord to criticize it. Due to his ban for vandalizing the wiki, he cannot make repairs. This eventually leads to an uprising against the then-inactive Dark_Annihilator, who had not been seen since October 26th the previous year, as well as bureaucrats Rohen_Tahir and Jonathan222, most believing that their actions were damaging the wiki. A union to remove these administrators is made. Jonathan222 makes Quarnds an admin in retaliation. jared2013 and LordGalvatronMC talk to [[NDKilla], a steward for the wiki, and find out that they could promote themselves to supercrats while stripping Rohen_Tahir, Jonathan222, and Dark_Annihilator of their rank. This appears to happen, but both of their roles are then stripped by the Miraheze stewards, leaving ElliotRodger523 in charge as the sole bureaucrat. This last just a few minutes, as Dark, Rohen and Jonathan are given their bureaucrat status again.

April 10: Two pages are made to propose demotion of Dark_Annihilator, Jonathan222 and Rohen_Tahir, and to discuss what should be done with Galvatron and jared2013.

April 23: Dark_Annihilator and Jonathan222 are stripped of their bureaucrat and administrator status. Rohen_Tahir resigns on his own accord. Galvatron's bureaucrat status is restored, while jared2013 remains demoted. The staff relocate the wiki community to a new Discord server, while Jonathan222 attempts to remove the invite links because of his personal feelings about his demotion. He also bans people on the old Discord.

Late April: Construction of 8k8k by the New Facepunch Republic begins.

May 20: 8k8k is completely lavacasted by a user known as mxhd.

May 26: The Motorway Extension Gurus completes the diagonal -X, -Z Nether Highway. This is the first completed diagonal Nether Highway on 2b2t.

June 4: Greguhlicious completes the missing gap of the overworld -Z Axis Highway from Z: -719000 to Z: -746000.

June 5: ElliotRodger523 opens up the announcement and rules channels on the wiki's Discord.

June 9: A mass purge of useless wiki articles is carried out by Joey_Coconut. An entire third of the wiki is deleted.

Late June: ElliotRodger523 resigns as administrator on the 2b2t Miraheze wiki, citing losing his friends to bans and demotions in the shitstorm.

October 18: The Phobos backdoor begins. After members of The Emperium steal the Phobos client's code, the developers upload a backdoored 1.3.3 client to Github, along with an "updated" 1.5.4 client. Four thousand users download the program and are subsequently compromised, having their passwords, tokens and files stolen and held remotely.

October 21: 0x22 discovers the Phobos backdoor and publicises it. The developers, in a panic, quickly take down the code. Over the new few days, at least fifteen bases are griefed thanks to coordinates being obtained by the malware. One developer, Megyn, leaks some of these coordinates to Team WAO. The developers are reported to the FBI.

December 31: Adamantium is established by Orsond and Joey_Coconut.


January 18: Adamantium is griefed by WomenAreObjects, who leaked the base.

May 7: Jakethasnake52 accidentally stumbles upon Acheron while livestreaming some basehunting.

June 7: Acheron is partially griefed by Redstoner2b2t and Steve3, the former streaming the event on his channel. However, he accidentally leaks the coords and quickly takes down the video. The surviving base is griefed by other players.

July 18: DocSmurf, refusing to allow his work to be taken away from him thanks to Nocom, obliterates his own Yggdrasil base.

August 22: The Astral Brotherhood is founded by Joey_Coconut and LordGalvatronMC. The Vega base is built by I_tri and Joey_Coconut.

September 6: Vega is griefed by Backstreet Boys.

September 7: Following the grief of Vega, Astral Brotherhood founds the base Santiago, built by Beardler.

September 11: Joey_Coconut and LordGalvatronMC found the base Menegroth.

October 2: Santiago is griefed.

October 3: Joey_Coconut and LordGalvatronMC found the base Astralia.

October 10: Capybara Castle is founded by Steampunkjax.

October 22: Menegroth is griefed by Fifth Column. Following its leak by Zetrax, Astralia is self-griefed by members of the Astral Brotherhood.

October 26: The base Nautilus is founded by Joey_Coconut.

October 27: CirocDrip initially founds the base Okab, owned by the Astral Brotherhood.

November 22: Joey_Coconut and Enchoseon move into Okab.

December 12: Okab is griefed by BIKMUNNI after Redstoner leaks the base with the Log4j exploit.

December 17: Motherfucking Ninja joins 2b2t with TommyInnit, Ph1LzA and jschlatt. Ninja posts his coordinates on Twitter while he awaits FitMC joining his Discord call. Before he can meet up with the group, Waltss arrives at the coordinates, killing Ninja and TommyInnit. He manages to chase and kill jschlatt. Fit attempted to protect Ph1LzA but the latter was ultimately killed by a crystal. Eventually, the group was forced offline by being slaughtered multiple times. A shitload of Twelfth Incursions are started, most of which go nowhere. An "official" Twelfth Incursion is started by c0mmie_, but this was only considered official because he actually wanted to go through with it and not to get retarded 2b2t clout.


January 21: The Astral Brotherhood begins constructing the base Poppy Town.

January 29: Nautilius is self-griefed by the Astral Brotherhood.

February 2: Poppy Town is griefed by the Fifth Column.

February 5: Capybara Castle is self-griefed by the Astral Brotherhood.