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InhabitantsA97J, Banana_on_2b2t, Beardler, cpybara, Durkaaqt, Enchoseon, irongolem43, Joey_Coconut, LordGalvatronMC, Lunch_Katsu, r22r, smcz19, soopa4, xrayessay, YoMoBoYo
Location(-713100, -842400)
StartedMay 25, 2022
GriefedJune 25, 2022
GriefersFifth Column (maksitaxi, Zetrax)
World download
LinkNot Available

Lidenbrock was an Astral Brotherhood base founded in 2022 that was built underneath a tundra biome. It consisted of a large dome 'held up' by a network of supports and archways, which was placed over a terraform.


Lidenbrock was founded by Joey_Coconut on May 25th, following a week-long design break for the main build of the base after the grief of New Lugdunum. The central concept of the base have the entire base contained within a supersized dome-shaped Solarium in the middle of a tundra biome, with a lush forest and medieval buildings on the inside. The theme was inspired by an underground island named after the protagonist in Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth. An iron bar sky roof was built over the build location, and digging began. The digging effort was headed up by Durkaaqt at first, and was then accelerated significantly as a result of Beardler's return to Astral. Soopa46, Joey_Coconut, smcz19, and irongolem43 also helped with digging, which was initially entirely with baritone, and was also aided by the use of Iron Golems to guard the digging accounts. All mined blocks were saved for the first week. Afterwards, blast mining began. The use of TNT accelerated the digging process so much that by mid week 2, the hole (a 255 diameter circle, down to bedrock) was completed, and building began. Efforts to design the build for the interior had happened in parallel on a creative server, so that once the hole was dug, efforts were immediately started on constructing the central dome, the supports underneath, and the terraform to occupy the interior. Progress slowed, however, with Beardler almost single-handedly building the majority of the central dome, with some help from r22r, Joey_Coconut, and others. The terraform was designed by xrayessay, YoMoBoYo, and cpybara, and was built by them, r22r, and Lunch_Katsu. The base remained unfinished, however, when Zetrax scouted the base out on June 25, 2022 in advance of a later-planned grief, and was caught by the base members. With Zetrax having no TNT, the base members gave it to him to destroy the base, which he did with help from maksitaxi that same day.

External Links

Journey to the Center of the Earth Wikipedia page

Solarium Wikipedia page