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The Anti-Incursions are groups originally formed to rival Spawn Incursions, and later The Purge, and their operations. Their sole purpose is to combat incursion members at spawn, destroy Incursion constructs, and sabotage defenses set up for new player control. Despite their animosity to the Incursions, they do not always act as a polar opposite. For example, they do not necessarily aid and defend new players from Incursion onslaughts and may even attack new players. It is also to be noted that the Anti-Incursions are completely separate entities from other groups that may be against Incursions, which the Anti-Incursions may ally themselves with. The Anti-Incursions originally emerged from these groups.

Early Incursion opposition

Opposition to Spawn Incursions existed way before the first centralized Anti-Incursion, and it dates back to the very first Incursions. Some of the players who didn't get along with members of the Incursion were a main force against them, as well as previous members of the Incursion who were kicked out and appeared on the KOS list. An example to such opposition can be seen in the attempted attacks against Wrath Outpost during the 3rd Incursion, which forced the Valkyrians to react and defend Wrath against any foreign forces, as well as traitors, such as members of Nerds Inc or players who betrayed the Incursion.

During the 4th Incursion and Rusher War, a successful raid against the Resistance weakened the opposition, while other opposing groups such as the Peacekeepers were not seen as major threats. The 5th Incursion, however, was unable to stand against those outside forces, and Team Aurora led by NedaT was able to erase all progress made on the Spawn Obsidian Wall built by the Incursion.

The Sixth Incursion's Anti-Incursion

Armorsmith and IHackedWalmart, members of the original Anti Incursion against the Sixth Incursion, attacking the Great Spawn Wall.
Armorsmith and IHackedWalmart, leaders of the original Anti-Incursion against the Sixth Incursion, attacking the Great Spawn Wall.

It was during the Sixth Incursion that an Anti-Incursion project was started on 2b2t, a term used by Armorsmith's Followers who were the main force against this Incursion, and referred to themselves as the "Anti-Incursion" during this operation.

They attacked the Great Spawn Wall and destroyed much of it, while also killing incursion members at spawn and gearing new players who joined from AntVenom's video. They successfully prevented the Sixth Incursion from finishing the wall up to y256, and griefed it in a way that turned it into "swiss cheese", allowing new players to avoid the wall easily and to escape spawn. Thousands of withers were spawned by the Anti-Incursion at the wall. Battles between the Anti-Incursion and the Incursion also happened, including the infamous battles of the Northen and Western walls.

There isn't a consensus on whether or not the Anti-Incursion defeated the Sixth Incursion, because despite the failure of the wall, and the fact that the incursion couldn't keep up with repairing the severe damages done to it, many players still see the incursion as a success due to the fact it managed to unite many groups of different backgrounds to work on a single project, and it also pioneered several concepts such as slave labour.

First Anti-Incursion

The first iteration of a seperate group that refers to itself as the Anti-Incursion was formed against the 7th Incursion through the killing of incursion members and sabotaging of projects at spawn. Members of various groups were united against the 7th Incursion. It was formed by ex-incursion members when jared2013 was constantly banning members from the incursion for minimal reasons. These bans would become the sparks that would later ignite the first Anti-Incursion. Despite the Anti-Incursion being against the Incursion, it did not mean they were allied with the French.

Events Leading to its Creation

  • jared2013 got into the incursion and got an administrative role, after he became a leader he began to ban many members from the incursion.
  • WAO (one of leader of the movement) was banned from the incursion a few days after it began and retaliated by griefing an incursion stash.
  • Other members who would later join and form the Anti-Incursion were also banned such as Miggers, IHackedWalmart and 0ffsets.
  • At the end of September, 10 days after the incursion began, the Anti-Incursion officially began and it's first act was blowing up an incursion spawn base.
Members of the first Anti-Incursion

Notable Events

  • The first act of the official new Anti-Incursion movement was to grief an Incursion spawn base.
  • On the same day of the grief, Anti-Incursion members killed Incursion members in a spawn battle.
  • Another battle occurred the following day, the Anti-Incursion were outnumbered by the Incursion, only the Incursion suffered casualties.
  • The same day, a second battle took place, this one was right before a server restart and there were not as many people who participated in this battle as there were in the last.
  • The lavacube at nether 0,0 was mostly drained and the platform at 0,0 was rebuilt, any incursion member attempting to stop them would be attacked and sometimes killed, none of them managed to succeed in sabotaging the spawn repair.
  • A watercube was made at 0,0 overworld where Anti-Incursion members hung out and fought incursion members.

Attack on the French Fryer

Armorsmith, Gambino, RusherFag and memebrs of Armorsmith's Followers, who weren't a part of the centralized Anti-Incursion, contributed to its progress from the outside by attacking the trench crew which was led by ThebesAndSound, and stopped them from building the lava wall (until its final completion years later by the Infinity Incursion).

Decline in activity

After the original Incursion disbanded, the Anti-Incursion became way less active, they remained like this during jared's Incursion Reloaded that was to last until the original incursion end deadline but ended one day prematurely due to jared's attempt to inside the Emperium.


Second Anti-Incursion

Second Anti-Incursion Logo

The Second Anti-Incursion, also know as the Anti-Purge, was formed to combat the Purge. Similarly to the events in the first Anti-Incursion, the members of the second Anti-Incursion were banned or kept out of the Purge event due to their general reputation and previous actions during the 7th Incursion. Unlike its predecessor however, the Anti-Incursion was friendly to the invading 9gang/Etika fans, with plans to help newer players out of spawn.

Notable Events

  • Killet begins the Second Anti-Incursion on May 30th, 2019.
  • Anti-Incursion sabotages the Purge lava wall.
  • Several battles occurred between the Purge and Anti-Incursion
  • Killet attempts to create a SIG splinter group but fails
  • Anti-Incursion attempted to rebuild Wrath Outpost on June 10th, 2019, but these efforts were reverted by the Purge
  • Killet is kicked from the Anti-Incursion.
Members of the second Anti-Incursion
Second Anti-Incursion Banner

Decline in activity

Similarly to the first Anti-Incursion, the second concluded with inactivity and a day after the Purge ended, this time with the discord being deleted. The members later moved to a new group known as Epoch.
